Integration of Faith and Politics

The church is the community of God; this is a spiritual community of faith with a mandate to represent the interests of God on earth. Through this spiritual community, God wants to reach the secular community. We are to evangelize the community to God. This is our first mission to preach repentance. And then demonstrate the diakonos and apostolic mandate. Acts6: 1-8.We are to address the whole person, we have to provide life coaching. The only institution that has answers for the world church is dying. We are stewards of God.

Management is required in our communities. Who is a steward? A steward is a person charged with the responsibility to take good care of what is not your responsibility, therefore, to give a full report of his administration "It requires that an administrator be found faithful" 1 corinthians4vs2. Each delegate is responsible to him or to his master appointed in this case a nation and its natural or financial resources are owned by God and people is God's creation. We are charged with the responsibility and duty either as politicians, clergy, community leaders or traditional leadership to manage, develop and preserve what God has created.

Two words will repeatedly find out whenever the word stewardship in any context, "accountability" and "responsibility" are to preserve the nation morally spiritual corruption and economic and social contamination by any means. We are to manage, develop and preserve the national, social and properly manage national resources economic, spiritual and public affairs, national investment and national treasury. We have a duty and responsibility to improve the social, economic and moral standards of our communities and church leaders. It is unfortunate that the church avoided anything that involves community.

People unholy corrupt society, corruption is really gross sin and wickedness delaying the social, political, economic and spiritual progress of a country. When a nation denounces the authority of God and the divine principle governing seed of decay and erosion of morality, justice, peace, integrity and the fear of God is carried out. This will lead to a nation in serious social and moral beyond human comprehension decomposition.


Community leadership ordained by God and not by man, according to the book of Romans13: 1 in both the government and its citizens have the responsibility to others and to God as the creator and owner of everything. Everyone has to deal with the national duty and national leadership as a sacred God concerned about how we govern and how to govern his people, but in society today can have different types of systems, but the final score will be given to God. The government of God through godly leadership by prophets or priests or clergy is called a theocracy.

In any sense man needs to be governed especially when man rejects God Why?, If man is not governed by anything we will face itself chaos.1Timothy1vs8-9 Democracy is not a system or biblical command but Word government has repeatedly appeared in the writings Romans13 2. While democracy is the work of man through philosophy and politics, government and identifiers authority ordained by God. Political legend Margret Thatcher once admitted in a public speech that "we can not do without religion" What he meant was that we can not do without God; A society without God is a bad society.

In most cases in the Bible the kings of the nation through its leadership made the nation for sin, this is true even now misdirection,


We are responsible and God's command as Christians to preserve the nation's moral disaster that we see people coming out every day what is right to pursue their lewd emotions, sinful ambitions and ungodly personal agendas and self-gratification is in fact the cult of self-worship and Gnosticism. People are always looking for different ways in which they can find meaning in life, the fulfillment of their own lives and be happy as a human being but all came to more confusion and human complication. Usually this is done in seven categories

We have a duty as a church to do the following in our nations.

1. Provide spiritual guidance.

2. Orient prophetic, a nation without a prophetic voice and a prophetic address is doomed.

3. To preserve, develop and manage our nations to God. The first responsibility God gave man was caring for the earth and govern well on all creation on earth. We must know that preserving nature is the will of God to man. We have to take care of our natural resources, our health, our jobs, our environment, etc.

4. Be exemplary circular ungodly people and political leaders the world.

5. Be an institution of trust, where society and our government will run a spiritual direction and solutions.

6. To disciple our nation to Christ after the great commission in the book (Mathew 28vs19).

7. To pray and intercede for our nations according to the book (1Timothy2vs2-4). We need to have special and specific pray for our national leaders and pray for them instead of cursing them if we are to live peaceful lives.

8. To be a corporate body socially and spiritually significant for Christians.

9. To maintain our national spiritual doors through radical and aggressive spiritual warfare and intercession.

Provide national leadership by God not only means to be president of a country ga; it means is you can provide godly leadership in any environment that God has placed in.It you may have in civil society, NGOs, church organization, CBO, UN agency or a government department. God demands that we bring fruits and positive results in ever place that has us Place D.

You can be an officer for example, a policeman or a teacher or a member of parliament or even a cabinet minister. You must demonstrate competence and integrity as a Christian that is the first step in providing holy and spiritual leadership. You presence as a Christian should command respect in all these institutions. Community leadership does not start from the top, but in the file or, in theory, but in practice is not part of the grass root working directly with the issues and the people at ground level. As Christians we must treat our jobs or employment as sacred and a stewardship that we have received from and not just a means of earning a living. As a Christian your work in everything that is not in vain, his good will bring good fruit or bad fruit so be careful how labor.

If your work is good that undoubtedly contributes to community development, preservation of society and the environment and proper management and the creation of God.


It is inspiring to see the churches in the West and in other developed countries to address emerging issues related to social and community issues. Africa is still struggling to find the means and the capacity to respond to social problems of society. Aid based on the Bible and Christ-centered programs designed to help the community should be designed from a theological, spiritual and biblical view. For example, HIV / AIDS, alcohol and drug recovery programs should be part of the mission of the church. These programs are part of what the ministry. Ministry is becoming relevant for the needy and afflicted.

Spiritual guidance is needed to help shape society and provide spiritual and moral foundation solid. Where is the church in the midst of all these social ills and realities of the day? The church should reconsider its role in shaping the destiny of society; otherwise posterity will judge harshly the church

The church as an agency of God on earth has a clear mandate and responsibility to find permanent and true solutions to human predicaments. Armed with the word of God and the anointing of God, the church is competent to deal with substance abuse effectively, the only problem they face little or no emphasis. Training agencies of the church ignore this part of the training or spiritual and social skill.

The church is strategically located in the land to meet the spiritual and social ills. Therefore, it is not in the best interest of the church to condemn and reject the problems that affect society in general. The church can not condemn the abuse of substances, if in the meantime is being done to prevent or treat the problem. To demonstrate that the institution of the church is not designed to address this issue, we do not have systems and programs designed to address the problem.

People have inadequate to deal with the problem. All fall into the so-called pastoral duties. In my opinion, the church should have spiritual practitioners who are experts in both spiritual and social skills to deal with the problem. Those affected by substance abuse should see the church as a place of safety and assistance and not a place where stigma is common and at its peak currency.

If the church is indeed a kind of revolutionary institution, called to promote a social revolution by promoting justice, lifting the sanctity of human life, the fight for the underdog and challenging the prevailing system of values ​​in our world, then it seems that we should be out in front of the social problems that affect humanity

It is clear that the church has seriously neglected this part of the gospel. The response of the Church to the issues of social dysfunction such as substance abuse and HIV / AIDS is very necessary and fall within the jurisdiction and mandate to discipline people for the kingdom of God divine. Failure to respond to these issues urgently implies that the church has lost its purpose and relevance to society.

Salt is good. But if the salt have lost his savor, wherewith shall it be seasoned with what? It is neither for the soil nor for the manure pile; but they throw out. He who has ears to hear; hear. Luke14: 34-35

The church then with open hands should facilitate the process of healing, liberation and rehabilitation. Such a process can through a warm reception from people who are struggling with addiction in the family of believers without trial and stigma. I think new birth does not correct the moral and spiritual life of a person.

Most Christian vocation is to serve the church and the society around us. Some may serve God in a more subdued way and some may choose to serve God in society a more aggressive role. Such may include taking aggressive role in the national and political leadership. The motivation of the heart of another Christian is to be responsible for roads, tastemakers and pace setters.

It is not against God's word that a Christian has influence in the areas of national leadership and political platform and disciple the nations that God pay us more responsibility and divine mandate to advocate for truth, righteousness, fairness, integrity, morality and fair play in our corrupt society.

Fertility in the Lord goes beyond evangelism to win souls, but includes making a positive contribution to society and promote the kingdom of our God. So our vocations are part of the great plan of God for our life and vocation. God wants us to serve beyond the boundaries of the church and reach humanity. Ministry is bigger than what we've done out of it, goes beyond the walls of the church.

Personally I find nothing wrong with being Christians involved in community affairs. I encourage Christians to take political positions because that is what God intended for man to have dominion and rule on earth with fear and apology. Nations are our responsibility to govern; is our management to do so. Disciple the nations because God is part of the largest vocation and church administration.

And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness, and let them rule over Genesis 1vs26
And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth and subdue it and have dominion. Genesis1vs28

The best of us be successful and released our generation. Our communities lack spiritual leadership to disciple their God. The lack of proper education in the areas of business, politics, government, education, community and church vocation has made contempt and withdraw from them and most important institutions of society in which God wants us to be productive and take charge.


Wishing to serve national or political leadership is prophetic and apostolic. These functions are apostolic mandates. This type of leadership is revolutionary and transforming.

In my examination of what we determine or enforceable as doctrine, I have found nothing in the Bible and spiritually wrong with politics, but I've found are bad politicians. So, in my opinion, the political leadership occupied by Christians is not forbidden in the Scriptures, but is seen as the administration of the nation.

There is more than dogmatic theology, conservative theology and religiosity that discourage this type of involvement and Christian responsibility. All the great men of God in the old times, both the Bible and our nation played a role in the political class and the liberation of our countries.

The great men of God in the Bible including kings, Levites, priests, judges and prophets were the spiritual leaders who have played a role in the social life and community leadership in society. God's voice took on all spheres of life. They represented the interests of God as playing nations. They took radical and dramatic part in the affairs of nations as God's ambassador People who are reformers in our society tend to have a prophetic spirit or flow within themselves.

Business and politics

For a long time, Christians either Protestant, Pentecostal, Catholic and charismatic discussed the issue of politics and business. Many suggest a complete separation of Christians in politics and business why? Politics and business are secular and the devil. That mentality, attitude and bad theology is responsible for increasing poverty neglected among Christians and the body of Christ in general.

Besides this is the fault of gross evil and corruption in the political sphere. As the church withdrew from the business and politics of advanced disease and took over the company. We have to accept that business, money and politics are sacred and equal to require ministry and stewardship. The bad theology has misinformed, misguided and brainwashed many Christians that money is evil, the Devil business, politics is bad and dirty.

My question is whether money, politics and business are bad? Do not you think the job itself will also be bad and should be abandoned? Some Christians are employed in companies that do business that even the support of writing, a little work in governments that are run by politicians. Honestly we must accept that politics, business, entertainment, education is part of our economies. The level of lack and poverty among Christians has grown carelessly this measure due to the following factors;

1. We have removed the covenant blessings of our times
2. We believed in Split sacred / secular
3. We withdraw from secular (politics, business, education, health care and entertainment.
4. We gave the secular evil
5. We interpret the Bible in such a way that promotes fear, sadness and escapism
6. we accept the vision of us as receivers, glues, borrowers and the helpless and ran to hid.
7. prophesy doom and hope for the takeover of the enemy.

The layman is darker because the light was removed from it as Christians withdrew.

Is it bad policy? It's really difficult to prove from the scriptures that the policy is wrong. But what I found is that God has no problem with the policy, but have a problem with bad bad governments, corrupt and bad political and bad political systems. Like money and business, what is wrong is what people do with their money; Money is not evil in itself, but it can cause you to do good or evil.

For example, with the money that I can choose to buy food for my children or I can buy drugs from cocaine to my own destruction. Same with the policy that I can choose to serve the people and the community that I represent or choose to be a liar and a corrupt leader. What is wrong is what people do in politics.

Any politicians who have an interest and villages of interest not God finally becomes self-serving and search for oneself or hunger for power resulting in abuse of power, civil rights, public money and opportunity that gave the electorate.

A desire to bring in any political capacity is not a sin, but that responsibility comes with high demand and higher to be paid especially if you are a Christian prices.

Leadership is not pride but a commandment of God, through these avenues that God wants to disciple the nations through their children. We need discipling our nations to God and not to give to Satan.

When the people of fair rules rejoice when the wicked rule the people mourn Proverbs29vs2 (RV)

We must take God's voice in the field of business and we will be in shock when we realize the power of ideas and anointed business decisions.

Secular work, ministry, charity, politics and business are sacred before God, so Christians must work their jobs and do business with the same passion and commitment given to the ministry.

The church must be positioned to take the voice of God in all spheres of life, that is, the arts, politics, medicine, education, justice, etc.

The ever increasing financial failure and load in the body of Christ hinder progress and slow the growth of many Christian churches.

Incubating our congregation in corporate, financial incubators, investment policies and our influence and paradigm for success will expand. Spiritual leaders and their followers are supposed to be economically and spiritually prosperous, we represent the blessings of the Lord "

Biblical economy demands that all Christians involved in business must recognize that the creativity of God leads the just in business. In addition, employers who are Christians must pay fair wages to their employees and pay the premium or raise wages to increase production and contribution to the business.