Friendship Politics - Can Mix?

Making new friends can be a complicated process. When we meet someone new, we often get the advice to stick to small talk conversations very safe. We are told that we should not discuss controversial topics such as religion or politics with people you just met. Either of these issues can result in a bitter argument if both people are passionate about their different points of view. You can easily destroy all possibilities for a friendship if you discuss controversial issues too soon.

Is it always true that we should never bring up the subject of politics with someone they just met? Is it possible to develop a good friendship or romance with someone if you do not like their political beliefs? And if you're attracted to someone, but you hate your policy? You should limit their friendships and relationships with people who share their political views?

Today, in many countries, politics has become very intense, and different political views can cause intense discussion.

Despite this, the advice to avoid any discussion of politics with people you do not know very well is not always necessary.

For example, you may find yourself at a political convention surrounded by thousands of people who do not know, but I would have a good chance of having great political discussions with either of them. It is quite possible that most people you meet in this event will love having political conversations with you.

There again you might want to display the policy immediately, even when you do not know how the other person will react. You may be one of those people who take politics as seriously do not want to meet a slow and only later she learns that their political beliefs do not coincide with his own person.

In this case, you may prefer to have their political discussions immediately for you to decide whether or not to invest more time in this person.

Most of us are not so extremely passionate about our policy, but the policy still has the potential to break relations, especially in the early stages.

That's why they are advised to stay away from discussing politics until we know a person better.

Many people who have very strong political views also dislike any people who have a different point of view. They are not willing to be tolerant of people with other political views. This makes it very difficult to make friendships or love if the other person has different political beliefs.

Still, some people have managed to create friendships and successful marriages even though both parties have different political views. How do they manage this? It is more likely that people with different political views can make a successful friendship if none of them are very passionate about politics.

Before you decide to raise the issue of politics with a person you do not know well, ask yourself how you will react if it turns out that their view is the opposite of their own. Then ask yourself if you think it's worth the risk.

In some cases, people with very different political views manage to stay good friends or even have happy marriages because they really enjoy having passionate arguments about politics. They have enough respect for others who may overlook their differences. In other cases, friends with different views simply choose to avoid political discussions altogether.