Computer operating systems

Computer operating systems have evolved over the years into one of the most comprehensive software components of a computer system. Without the operating system, be able to use a personal computer would be much harder. The operating system allows the user to easily and more successfully navigate the computer system without having to know complicated commands and requests.

In the early days of computers, operating systems were not part of the overall system configuration. Then came on the super computers had already been invented. Before operating systems, information is entered into the computer with punch cards. The system was not very efficient and requires knowledge of machines punch cards only to obtain the desired information from the computer.

Then some programmers had a vision. They thought it would be wonderful if everyone could use a computer without having to know about the complicated programming languages. They began designing the first operating systems, and soon found success.

Today, there are so many operating systems already developed and currently under development. Most of these operating systems are uniquely designed with the user in mind. They allow computer operators to simply load programs onto their computers and then navigate their system with the tip of a mouse and the click of a button.

All operating systems have certain processes that take place "between racks" so that the user does not really know that are happening. This is known as multitasking and makes it much easier to use a computer without having to manage resources manually. The operating system does it for you!

Your computer's operating system will manage your random access memory, hard disk memory, task scheduling, and more! It will provide a level of security to your computer so you do not have to worry about an outside party gaining access to information on your computer. Also navigate through the different programs that are on your computer when you want to open these programs. Just tell the operating system, and "I'll take care of the rest!

The most popular operating systems today are Microsoft Windows and Apple Mac OS X. The technology for most computer operating systems came from these two computer giants and other operating systems have evolved from those. Linux and GNU are two other operating systems that are beginning to take hold in popularity, although they are mainly oriented towards the market mainframe and network system.

The computer operating system brought personal computers in our homes and businesses, and made it easy for anyone to use a computer. Without the computer's operating system, using a computer it would remain in the dark ages.